Having defeated the Serbian army in two crucial battles: on the banks of
the river Marica in 1371 - where the forces of noblemen from Macedonia were
defeated, and on Kosovo Polje (Kosovo Plain) in 1389, where the vassal troops
commanded by Prince Lazar - the strongest regional ruler in Serbia at the time
- suffered a catastrophic defeat. The Battle of Kosovo defined the fate of Serbia,
because after it no force capable of standing up to the Turks existed. This was an
unstable period marked by the rule of Prince Lazar's son - despot Stefan Lazarevic
- a true European-style knight a military leader and even poet, and his cousin Djuradj
Brankovic, who moved the state capital north - to the newly built fortified town of
Smederevo. The Turks continued their conquest until they finally seized the entire
Serbian territory in 1459 when Smederevo fell into their hands. Serbia was ruled by
the Ottoman Empire for almost five centuries. The Turks persecuted the Serbian
aristocracy, determined to physically exterminate the social elite. Since the
Ottoman Empire was an Islamic theocratic state, Christian Serbs lived as virtual
bond servants - abused, humiliated and exploited. Consequently they gradually
abandoned the developed and urban centers where mining, crafts and trade was practiced
and withdrew to hostile mountains living on cattle breeding and modest farming.
European powers, and Austria in particular, fought many wars against Turkey,
relying on the help of the Serbs that lived under Ottoman rule. During the
Austrian-Turkish War (1593-1606) in 1594 the Serbs staged an uprising in
Banat - the Pannonian part of Turkey, and the sultan retaliated by burning the
remains of St. Sava - the most sacred thing for all Serbs honored even by Moslems
of Serbian origin. Serbs created another center of resistance in Herzegovina but when
peace was signed by Turkey and Austria they abandoned to Turkish vengeance. This
sequence of events became usual in the centuries that followed.
During the Great War (1683-1690) between Turkey and the Holy Alliance
- created with the sponsorship of the Pope and including Austria, Poland
and Venice - these three powers incited the Serbs to rebel against the
Turkish authorities, and soon uprisings and guerrilla spread throughout
the western Balkans: from Montenegro and the Dalmatian coast to the Danube
basin and Ancient Serbia (Macedonia, Raska, Kosovo and Metohija). However,
when the Austrians started to pull out of Serbia, they invited the Serbian
people to come north with them to the Austrian territories. Having to choose
between Turkish vengeance and living in a Christian state, Serbs massively
abandoned their homesteads and headed north lead by their patriarch Arsenije
Carnojevic. Many areas in southern Balkans were de-populated in the process,
and the Turks used the opportunity to Islamize Raska, Kosovo and Metohija and
to a certain extent Macedonia. A process whose effects are still visible today
Another important episode in Serbian history took place in 1716-1718,
when the Serbian ethnic territories ranging from Dalmatia, and Bosnia and
Herzegovina to Belgrade and the Danube basin newly became the battleground
for a new Austria-Turkish war launched by Prince Eugene of Savoy. The Serbs
sided once again with Austria. After a peace treaty was signed in Pozarevac,
Turkey lost all its possessions in the Danube basin, as well as northern Serbia
and northern Bosnia, parts of Dalmatia and the Peloponnesus.
The last Austrian-Turkish war was the so called Dubica War (1788-1791),
when the Austrians newly urged the Christians in Bosnia to rebel. No wars were
fought afterwards until the 20th century that marked the fall of both mighty empires.